The mystique of the old world melds with contemporary pizazz to create the alluring Ajmal Mizyaan. Released in 2009 by Ajmal, this bold and vibrant scent features Oriental and woody scents...
Launched by Swiss Arabian, the heady fragrance Layali El Rashid is a delightful blend of floral and herbal accords undercut with a subtle smoky accord. The perfume features musk and a variety of...
Intoxicating and timeless florals are at the heart of Jannet El Naeem by Swiss Arabian. Rich and vibrant while also delicate and welcoming, this perfume has complementary notes that create much more...
Exude elegance and confidence with a spritz of White Rose No 1 by Swiss Arabian. This mesmerizing perfume blends an array of notes around a distinct and timeless heart of rose. The vivid and...