In 2017 Victoria’s Secret launched Victoria's Secret Tease, originally released as Sexy Little Things Noir Tease in 2010. Flirtatious and seductive, this scent calls to mind the sensual black lace of...
Victoria's Secret Tease Rebel is an enchanting blend of floral and leathery accords. Introduced in 2018 by Victoria’s Secret, this fragrance is seductive yet gentle and boasts good sillage and...
Victoria's Secret Tease Heartbreaker is an Oriental floral fragrance that was announced in 2019 by the American lingerie fashion house. It starts with a fruity top note of star fruit, followed by a...
Soft and dreamy, Victoria's Secret Tease Creme Cloud is ready to inspire your next daydream. It opens with fluffy elements of vanilla meringue then dips to an exotic heart of santal flower, which...
Known for its velvety iris and tangy sweetness, Victoria's Secret Tease Candy Noir is a fruity 2021 fragrance in the Tease line. The top note is a simple but refreshing raspberry. Dark iris follows...